As we enter the final phase of our First Nations Labour and Employment Development Survey, we had some prize incentives to give away. For every completed survey we received, we submitted the individual’s RUID # (Random Unique Identifier assigned to each completed survey) for a prize. The prizes were collected by the IGDP team and randomly selected.
We are proud to announce we had a winner in every participating community in Nova Scotia, PEI and NFLD. We had three top prizes of a $500 Visa, an iPad and a Smart TV. Two of the big prizes - $500 Visa and the Smart TV - went to two participants in Miawpukek, NFLD. The iPad went to a lucky participant in Paqtn’kek First Nation.
In addition to these big prizes, we had 13 $100 visa gift cards randomly selected and mailed out via Purolator.
We’d like to take this time to personally thank each and every single one of the 1300+ surveys that were completed by our hard-working fieldworkers. We’d also like to take the time to thank the participants for filling out the survey. We look forward to working with all of you in the Spring when we roll out our health survey. Stay tuned for more information on the Regional Health Survey.
The photo's show some of the winners, we had received permission to upload these photos.

Virg Langely of Abegweit First Nation sits in her home after opening her FNLED Prize Package.

Cassie Peck of Wagmatcook First Nation was one of our lucky winners of a $100 Visa Gift Card

Aaron S. Paul of Eskasoni First Nation was randomly selected to win a $100 Visa gift card.

Leah Benoit, The lucky winner of the FNLED $500 Visa gift card prize. Leah is from Miawpukek, NFLD and we can always count on her for filling out our national surveys. Thank you for always supporting the work we do Leah!
Some words from other FNLED Prize Winners,
Alyssa Christmas our $100 Visa Gift Card winner from Membertou had the following to share with us in regard to FNLED:
“It (FNLED) was so much fun and I wasn’t expecting to win anything. I’m happy to have participated in your survey. I will definitely complete more surveys in the future.”
Lorena Tracey of Potlotek had this to say about her experience with FNLED:
“It (FNLED) didn’t take long to fill out and I wasn’t expecting to win anything so thank you very much! I look forward to the next survey.”
Here is a list of the remaining winners for our FNLED prize give away:
1) Kevin Thomas, Lennox Island
2) Paige John, Miawpukek
3) Wendy Collier, Miawpukek
4) Kaitlyn Chisolm, Pictou Landing
5) Nastasya Kennedy, Annapolis Valley
6) Emma Atwell, Glooscap First Nation
7) Katy Michael, We’koqma’q First Nation
8) Lorena Tracey, Potlotek First Nation
9) Jeremy Paul, Millbrook First Nation
10) Deborah Thibeaux, Sipeknekatik
Again, congratulations to you all.
Information & Data Governance (IGDP) Team :)